NAHF Supports
Rainbow Valley Fire Department
Children’s Fire Safety Education Program
Rainbow Valley Fire Department
Children’s Fire Safety Education Program
The National Association of Hispanic Firefighters is committed to changing the grim statistic that fire is the second leading cause of accidental deaths among children under five years of age. Through partnerships and strategic alliances, NAHF has promoted community educational and advocacy programs to reduce the loss of life.
Rainbow Valley Fire Department (RVFD) has requested the assistance of the National Association of Hispanic Firefighters (NAHF) in promoting RVFD Fire Education – Spanish Language Program. RVFD is currently offering a fire education program in English and is in the process of translating this curriculum to Spanish. RVFD Fire Education is a new children’s fire safety education program teaching children (pre-K to 3rd Grade) fire safety, fire prevention and what to do in case of fire. This program is currently being taught by fire personnel and teachers in the US and Canada. The program combines DVD video with instructional curriculum to facilitate each lesson. The instructional DVDs run about 10 minutes. Each lesson plan can be taught between 10 and 20 minutes. The videos do a great job capturing children’s attention and each lesson has various activities to ensure kids understand the important content of fire safety. This program is very up-to-date and was featured in Fire Chief Magazine as one of the top new products of 2007. Fire Departments and Public Education Officers are implementing this program across the United States and Canada with encouraging results. To learn more about RVFD visit
The NAHF is requesting your assistance in this project by providing RVFD your feedback regarding the following:1. Please visit their web site at to review and evaluate. Each education episodes are posted on this site for you to preview.
2. The purpose of this request is to gage how strong interest is in having this program available in the Spanish language. This will validate production and potential distribution of RVFD Spanish Language Version.
3. Please email your comments to Mark Brown at: and for further questions and additional information, please call Mark at (913) 754-8357
Thank you in advance for your support in enhancing child safety.
National Association of Hispanic Firefighters
Posted by: Lizzetth Bellot, NAHF Communications Director