Cesar E. Chavez
American Hero
American Hero
The Mexican American labor leader and US Navy Veteran was a humble man who gave of himself unselfishly to the cause of farm workers and all workers. He championed the cause of equality for Latinos like no one else. His courage in the face of some of our nation’s most powerful industries inspired generations of all races and nationalities to fight the good fight. The late founder and president of the United Farm Workers of America had deep confidence in the ability of people to move mountains of injustice. Under his leadership, farm workers moved the agribusiness mountain and won the first union contracts for agricultural workers in the grape fields. Millions followed Cesar Chavez on his journey, which won monumental gains for farm workers, for civil rights, political representation for racial minorities and environmental justice. These achievements place him as one of the most outstanding leaders of the twentieth century.
People from all races, nationalities, men and women alike admire Cesar Chavez for helping us stand tall with dignity and unity as we organize against injustice. The roots of Cesar Chavez’s organizing are deeply embedded in the Latino community and the class struggle of America. The rallying words of Cesar and the UFW, “Si Se Puede!” can be heard across the nation. When Cesar Chavez demanded union contracts, decent wages and safe working conditions, he extended the possibility for victory to all workers across the nation. He elevated the bar for equality and unity. He gave hope to the poor and under represented.
"We have another kind of power that comes from the justice of our cause. So long as we are willing to sacrifice for that cause, so long as we persist in non-violence and work to spread the message of our struggle, then millions of people around the world will respond from their heart, will support our efforts...and in the end we will overcome." ...Cesar Chavez
The NAHF honors Cesar E. Chavez
"We have another kind of power that comes from the justice of our cause. So long as we are willing to sacrifice for that cause, so long as we persist in non-violence and work to spread the message of our struggle, then millions of people around the world will respond from their heart, will support our efforts...and in the end we will overcome." ...Cesar Chavez
The NAHF honors Cesar E. Chavez
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