Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Congressional Fire Service Institute
(CFSI) Passes NAHF Resolution to
Gather Multi-Lingual Data

L/R - NAHF President-Alberto Olmos, CFSI-NAC Chairman-Kevin O'Conner,
and Past CFSI-NAC Chair-Richard Patrick

Washington DC - On Friday, April 4, 2008, the Congressional Fire Service Institute (CFSI) unanimously passed a resolution submitted by the National Association of Hispanic Firefighters. This resolution encourages all emergency responders to collect multi-lingual data encountered during emergency responses. The resolution was passed in our nation’s capitol, Washington DC.

Alberto Olmos, President of the NAHF stated, "This resolution is a tool… A tool to help Fire Chiefs, Fire Service Leaders, and Elected Officials, address the multi-linguistic challenges in the Fire Service. Data collected can be used to support funding in regards to training, staffing, and multi-lingual fire prevention programs" Below you can click on the resolution and read it in its entirety.

Posted by Lizzetth Bellot, NAHF Executive Assistant