Save the date; September 24-28, 2008
13 Annual NAHF Conference Phoenix, AZ
13 Annual NAHF Conference Phoenix, AZ
The 2007 NAHF International Training Conference in Dallas, TX was a culmination of years of hard work and dedication. We returned to the birthplace of the NAHF; bigger and better than ever! The Dallas Hispanic Firefighters Assoc, Dallas Fire and Rescue, and Dallas Fire Fighters Local 58, rolled out the red carpet and hosted a first class event. Participants included, IAFF Gen Pres Harold Schaitberger, IAFC President Steven P. Westermann, Assistant US Fire Administrator Gregory B. Cade and many others.
Preparation of the 2008 NAHF Conference is well under way and will possibly be our most successful. Co-chairs of the 2008 conference are President of the Valley Bomberos in the greater Phoenix area Mike Duran and Executive VP of the NAHF Sammy Chavira. “Support from the Phoenix Fire Department, United Phoenix Firefighters Local 493, elected officials and the community has been overwhelming” stated Sammy Chavira, “We are coordinating a united effort to achieve our goal of hosting the best NAHF Conference ever.”
Posted by: Lizzetth Bellot, NAHF Executive Consultant
Preparation of the 2008 NAHF Conference is well under way and will possibly be our most successful. Co-chairs of the 2008 conference are President of the Valley Bomberos in the greater Phoenix area Mike Duran and Executive VP of the NAHF Sammy Chavira. “Support from the Phoenix Fire Department, United Phoenix Firefighters Local 493, elected officials and the community has been overwhelming” stated Sammy Chavira, “We are coordinating a united effort to achieve our goal of hosting the best NAHF Conference ever.”
Members of United Phoenix Firefighters Local 493, including President Pete Gorraiz, Valley Bombero President Mike Duran Jr, and NAHF Exec VP Sammy Chavira, pictured with IAFF General President Harold Schaitberger
Save the date: September 24-28, 2008, 13th
Annual NAHF International Training Conference
Phoenix, Arizona
Annual NAHF International Training Conference
Phoenix, Arizona
Posted by: Lizzetth Bellot, NAHF Executive Consultant
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